admin 发表于 2020-1-1 09:21:37

yum命令安装软件时出现"Exiting on user cancel"错误的解决办法

解决办法:修改/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/urlgrabber/grabber.py文件,注释掉两行代码。如下:elif errcode in (42, 55, 56):
  # this is probably wrong but ultimately this is what happens
  # we have a legit http code and a pycurl 'writer failed' code
  # which almost always means something aborted it from outside
  # since we cannot know what it is -I'm banking on it being
  # a ctrl-c. XXXX - if there's a way of going back two raises to
  # figure out what aborted the pycurl process FIXME
  raise KeyboardInterrupt修改后:#elif errcode in (42, 55, 56):
  # this is probably wrong but ultimately this is what happens
  # we have a legit http code and a pycurl 'writer failed' code
  # which almost always means something aborted it from outside
  # since we cannot know what it is -I'm banking on it being
  # a ctrl-c. XXXX - if there's a way of going back two raises to
  # figure out what aborted the pycurl process FIXME
  #raise KeyboardInterrupt
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